Wednesday, July 20, 2011

FINALLY! Something to blog about!

We got a maid!!!!! She folds all our underwear;) It makes us laugh. I don't fold clothes, ever. So this is major excitement.
I'm using this epic moment as the reason that I now have time to be a blogger. It may or may not pan out. If it's meant to be, it will be. Ahhhh, so zen already.
Vietnam kicked our ass for the first couple weeks. It still does on occasion, but less tears are shed now. I find Saigon to be hot, humid, stinky, dirty, vibrant, loud, crazy, colorful, busy, tasty, gross, -a total sensory violating place. I new it would be this way. The kids however, were shocked. I am enjoying the change of pace and total lifestyle change. Altho, I still make Swedish pancakes, spaghetti, and peanut butter sandwiches.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should really start to worry if she starts ironing your underwear!!!!
